What is Google Docs?
Google Docs is an online, cloud-based platform that allows users to create and edit documents, independently or in collaboration with others. Instructors can create assignments requiring Google Doc submissions using the Google Assignments LTI.
PSU Resources
Accessibility & Privacy
If using this tool, including the following links in your course help meet Quality Matters (QM) Standards 6.4 and 8.6, respectively:
Additional Information
Google Docs should be created and shared from faculty and student Penn State accounts. Login to Google using your Penn State credentials.
At a Glance
person Availability: Students, Faculty, Staff
paid Cost: Free
smartphone Mobile App: Yes
web Canvas Integration: Yes
dvr Supported Technologies: Computer, Mobile device, Internet
alarm Learning Curve: 30 mins - 1 hr
Practical Applications
Pedagogical Goals:
- Disseminate Info / Deliver Content
- Increase Student Collaboration Outside of Class
- Increase Student Participation
- Obtain Student Feedback
- Support Research and Development