Application Cards

Following their learning about an important theory, concept or process, students write down one or more real-world applications for what they have just learned.

How to use with in-person classes:

  • Working alone or in pairs, students write out an example on an index card (or paper).
  • Students can share the cards with each other. When sharing, students can evaluate the application and how clearly it applies the concept.
  • Students submit their cards for instructor to review and identify any misconceptions. Instructor can share with class those responses that were particularly worthwhile. This is critical for ensuring students are not left with a mistaken understanding of the concept.
  • If you like, you can turn the exercise into a matching exercise. Once students create their applications cards for a set of concepts, have one group exchange with another and then each group match examples with the concepts.

How to use with online classes:

  • Create a space for students to share their ideas. Google JamboardPadlet, or a Google Doc will work well.
  • Each student adds a possible application to the collaborative space.
  • Instructor can comment on the applications and/or invite students to comment. In this way, the class can identify the most appropriate examples of applications.
  • If class is larger than 12 students, consider having students work in groups of 7-10 so that students can readily review and reflect on others’ answers. Students can still have access to other groups’ work.

Recommended Evaluation: Review responses after class to identify topics needing further review. Students can exchange cards and evaluate the responses.

Asking students to reflect on the lesson helps students begin to recall session material, which aids in solidifying their learning and makes later recall of information easier for students. The questions facilitate student reflection on their progress and promote metacognition.

At a Glance

Application Cards

timerClass Time Requirements: < 10 Minutes

timerPreparation Time: Low

Bloom’s Levels:

Create info Putting materials together to form a unique product.
Evaluate info Making judgments based on checking against given criteria.
Analyze info Breaking materials into parts to determine structures and relationships.
Apply info Using procedures to carry out a task.
Understand info Constructing meaning from information.
Remember info Using memory to recall facts and definitions.

Learn more about Bloom’s Taxonomy.