Enhancing STEM learning through 3-D Visualization and Digital Collaboration Tools

Case study first published in 2021.

Use Google Jamboard, Google Docs, and Top Hat to create collaborative learning activities for labs at home or in the classroom.


Enhance student learning in the Sciences with free or low-cost tools for interactive and customizable 3-D visualizations then use these tools to create collaborative learning activities for the lab, classroom, and at-home learning using Google Jamboard, Docs, and Top Hat. Originally developed for anatomy and physiology courses, these strategies can be adapted for a diverse array of materials.

Authors & Contributors

  • Mary Ann V. Smith
    Lecturer of Biology, Schuylkill
  • Dr. Brenna Hill
    Assistant Teaching Professor of Physiology, Harrisburg

At a Glance

Example of how a 3D biology lab can look when viewed in Top Hat

school Discipline(s): STEM

Associated Technology Tools:
Top Hat Top Hat Google Docs Google Docs
Associated Teaching Activities:
Memory Matrix Memory Matrix