
Polling can be used to assess previous knowledge, check for understanding, gather opinions, start a discussion, or ask a question where students would be more comfortable responding anonymously (in lieu of raising hands).

Tools to Consider Using

  • If teaching with Zoom, you can easily launch Polls during any Zoom meeting. This brief demonstration video illustrates how you can use Polls within Zoom. Zoom polls allow for multiple choice (single answer) and select-all-that-apply (multiple answer). You will need to make sure that Polling is enabled within your Zoom settings.
  • If teaching in the classroom, you can use PollEverywhere to pose a variety of questions to your class. The Free Higher Ed account will accommodate a class with 40 or fewer students. Students can respond through a mobile app or via text.
  • TopHat polls will work in any teaching environmentSetting up TopHat in your course takes just a few minutes and then you have access to a variety of question types. This ITLD video reviews a variety of engagement practices available through TopHat

At a Glance


timerClass Time Requirements: < 10 Minutes

timerPreparation Time: Medium

Bloom’s Levels:

Create info Putting materials together to form a unique product.
Evaluate info Making judgments based on checking against given criteria.
Analyze info Breaking materials into parts to determine structures and relationships.
Apply info Using procedures to carry out a task.
Understand info Constructing meaning from information.
Remember info Using memory to recall facts and definitions.

Learn more about Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Associated Technology Tools:
Zoom Yellowdig Yellowdig Top Hat Top Hat Qualtrics Qualtrics Poll Everywhere Poll Everywhere Piazza Piazza Packback Packback Nearpod Nearpod H5P H5P Canvas Conferences Canvas Conferences