One Minute Paper

The One Minute Paper is a timed writing activity that can be used to gauge where students are at the end of a lesson. In this activity, students will write in as much detail as possible where they stand with a given topic. This tool will provide a snapshot of where students are with course content and allow you address any misconceptions in the next class session. Ideally this activity is completed without identifying information so that students are more honest with their thoughts. After completing this task, review your students’ responses before your next class session and make a plan to address any common misconceptions and to reinforce common understandings.

Tools to Consider Using

  • Paper and pencil (in person)
  • Google Form (in person or online)
  • Canvas assignment – text entry response (in person or online)
  • Top Hat – assign long answer question type (in person or online)

Evaluation: Students submit anonymously. Review papers to identify topics needing further review.

At a Glance

One Minute Paper

timerClass Time Requirements: < 10 Minutes

timerPreparation Time: Medium

Bloom’s Levels:

Create info Putting materials together to form a unique product.
Evaluate info Making judgments based on checking against given criteria.
Analyze info Breaking materials into parts to determine structures and relationships.
Apply info Using procedures to carry out a task.
Understand info Constructing meaning from information.
Remember info Using memory to recall facts and definitions.

Learn more about Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Associated Technology Tools:
TurnItIn Turnitin at Penn State Top Hat Top Hat Nearpod Nearpod OneDrive Microsoft OneDrive Google Docs Google Docs Google Assignments Google Assignments
Associated Teaching Strategies:
Affective Learning Differentiated Instruction