Icebreaker Questions
As a class, in small groups, or pairs, students discuss a question designed to get them to learn about others and consider each others’ perspectives.
In person classes:
- Have students split up into small groups or pairs.
- Pose one of Heather Holleman’s Building Community questions to the group.
- Allow students to discuss the questions with one another.
Online classes: These instructions will be exactly the same as in person classes, but students can be paired in breakout rooms in Zoom instead of turning to a partner in person. It may be a good idea to send a message to all breakout rooms prior to finishing so students know to wrap up their thoughts before returning. Mixed mode classes: Students in mixed mode classes will follow the instructions for in person classes and online classes. To simplify the pairings, have students in person pair with someone else physically in class, and send online students to breakout rooms with other online students.
At a Glance

timerClass Time Requirements: < 10 Minutes
timerPreparation Time: Low
Bloom’s Levels:
Learn more about Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Socio-emotional Learning (SEL) Flipped Classroom Cooperative Learning